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Welcome to Ystad Summit

A democratic summit with a strong focus on Skåne

Ystad Summit is a politically independent and open democratic meeting place for societal issues that affect southern Sweden, and especially southeastern Skåne. Our epicenter is in Ystad's fantastic city center, while events can take place throughout southeastern Skåne.

In the coming years, the ambition is to shed light on important issues around cooperation and dialogue that affect us and our neighbors in the Baltic Sea region.

In May every year, we meet for dialogue, exchange and unexpected meetings. Here, politics, society and business come together to discuss important societal issues in our region - now and in the future. Together, we build an arena for an open and vibrant dialogue where ideas are born, contacts are made, and decisions will guide us to the future.

Ystad Summit is an opportunity for organizations, businesses, and associations to raise issues that are important to many in our part of Sweden. Everyone is welcome to participate free of charge as a visitor. This year, our event will focus on seven priority theme areas, such as: Tourism, Skills Supply and Education, Sustainable Growth, Infrastructure, Total Defense Development, Energy and Food Supply.

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Du You want to know more about Ystad Summit?

Contact us for more info

Bengtåke Wahlberg
Phone: +46 72 972 11 97